Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Richards Blog 16.06.09 – A little piece of Liberty!

It has been quite a mixed week business wise this week, we seem to be really busy one day then really quiet the next but overall we are keeping our heads above water, I have been busy in the garage as well replacing a seemingly unbreakable suspension component which smashed on Saturday, thanks to our wonderful (or woeful!) road network, I had to drive to Portlaoise in the car yesterday for parts then spent the afternoon fitting them to my coach, also I had to prepare the small coach for test tomorrow so I’am quite happy to be working today, it really is a break to be touring today!

Our life is pretty hectic at the moment with behind the scenes plans coming to fruition for our new product and a new micro website that is coming together nicely now, it is all taking far longer than we anticipated but then that is a familiar story! I don’t know if we are doing more now or (perish the thought!) we are getting older but this season is really taking it out of us, at the moment I’am as tired as I normally am in August but I think our disrupted winter and getting the new coach ready is to blame, normally we find a routine by this time but it is taking a little bit of doing this year! I heard a great saying the other day which I think applies to us at the moment:

“I try to take life one day at a time but lately several have ganged up on me at once”

Now talk of one of my only recreations at the moment – music, I downloaded the new Madness album the other week “The Liberty of Norton Folgate” and whilst I have always loved the unique blend of ska and reggae that Madness create I honestly believe this to be one of their finest works, it really is a concept album which seems a mad idea for the “nutty boys’ but it really does work on all levels, it tells the story of an area of London which I never knew existed called Norton Folgate and up until the early 1900 s was outside the laws of the land and was a magnet for artists, poets and mad people – sounds great! I really must have a look round that area next time we hit “the big smoke” I have always had a bit of a love/hate relationship with London, I used to work there regularly after I left school and never really liked the place but since the death of Chris’ brother who lived in there just over a year ago we have become friends with some of his friends and I have mellowed a little in my attitude – our last visit was great so I’am now looking forward to our next visit and I will find my own little piece of liberty!

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